Outdoor Painting 2025

Visiting local areas to paint
Thanks to Laurie for finding the places we visit and eat at. I know you are now working on 2025 programme an am looking forward to it.

We met on Thursdays 10.00 - 12.00 Lunch venues were not prearranged and suggestioned only.

As always, our outdoor painting sessions are very much an informal event so if the weather looks nice, just turn up and enjoy bringing your paints, a chair and hat, and some water to drink!

Safety at Painting Outdoors

When you are at the outdoor painting sessions, it is important to make your presence and whereabouts known to at least one other participant. Then if you fall or are taken ill someone knows to look for you at the time we pack up for lunch.

Keeping a register is not practical, but we should all keep an eye out for others. Thankyou