Spring Exhibition 2025

Our next exhibition will be Spring 2025 - 7 - 12 April. The closing date is March 24th.


The Exhibitions are only open to current members of the Bedford Art Society who have paid the subscription for the current year and its honorary members. Up to three framed paintings and three 'browser' paintings may be entered. At least two of each must be for sale. The price includes the frame.
If you are displaying artwork in the browser, please make sure that it has been mounted, backed and wrapped in cellophane. Other art forms: sculptures, pottery etc. may be submitted at 'framed' rates - please speak to the organiser.
The labels provided are to be completed and affixed to the front / bottom right hand corner of each entry including artwork for the browser.
All artwork displayed should be the original work of the exhibiting artist and should not be copied directly from photographs or published copyright material that is not the property of the exhibiting artist.
Bedford Art Society will not take any responsibility for problems arising from breach of copyright.
Bedford Art Society accepts no responsibility for the loss of or damage to artwork during their mounting, display, de-mounting and storage awaiting hanging or collection.
Where exhibitors deem it necessary to do so, they can arrange their own insurance for exhibits.
After delivery of art work to the exhibition members are required to remove all bags and wrapping from the exhibition venue.


Securely tape the painting to the mount. (Pastel drawings require an extra thick or double mount to prevent pastel dust from soiling the glass)

Insert mount into frame ensuring the inside of the glass is clean. Fix back of frame securely.
Affix D rings to back of frame a quarter of the distance from the top of the frame. (D rings lay flat allowing the picture to be hung better)

Use string or picture wire for hanging ensuring the top of this is below the top of the frame.
Affix a label to the back of the painting with your name, title of picture and the medium used.

Tapes to avoid are the generally available sticky tapes and parcel tapes. Masking tapes should only be considered useful as part of a process of framing and should not be used to attach artwork. By design masking tapes have a low-tack quality and will lose their adhesive characteristic over time.